Can you explain to me how somebody in Acorn signing up a fictitious voter could possibly lead to an illegitimate vote for Obama?
Wouldn't someone have to physically show up to the voting station with some form of government-issued ID identifying them as Mickey Mouse?
Isn't it far, far, far more likely that someone in Acorn wanted the cash for another voter registration, and decided to fill it out themselves, and that's it?
Can you explain to me how somebody in Acorn signing up a fictitious voter could possibly lead to an illegitimate vote for Obama?
Wouldn't someone have to physically show up to the voting station with some form of government-issued ID identifying them as Mickey Mouse?
Isn't it far, far, far more likely that someone in Acorn wanted the cash for another voter registration, and decided to fill it out themselves, and that's it?
This assertion is ridiculous.
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